Kaori & Kage – Waffles!

Kaori & Kage - Waffles

on her:
earmuffs: Argrace
sweater: Tentacio (Kustom 9)
Backpack: Cila
gloves: Atomic (The Arcade - December 2014)
on him:
scarf: Balaclava
gloves: Atomic (The Arcade - December 2014)
bag: Remarkable Oblivion (The Mens Dept)
today's set:
sledge: CGoo (free - Nevermore Winter Solstice Hunt 2014)
waffle stand and stuff: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] (The Liaison Collaborative)
mugs: Schadenfreude (Collabor88)
pose: Olive Juice

Marten – Snow-Blind

marten - snow-blind

today's look:
hair: .Olive. (The Arcade - December 2014)
scarf: [ContraptioN] - not available
coat: [Deadwool] (The Mens Dept Dec 2014)
gloves: O.M.E.N.
jeans: *chronokit*
boots: DECO


today's set:
house: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] (The Challenge "Fairytale")
forest & snow: Studio Skye
frozen lake: Dysfunctional Designs (We <3 Roleplay Dec 2014)
pose: [ht:studio]

The Bistro down the Street

bistro_insideC’mon everybody, meet me at the quaint little bistro just down the street. Ah, the stories its walls could tell, of hopes lost and luck found. Everyone is welcome there. Dine inside…
bistro_outside…or relax outside in the sun with a cuppa of whatever you fancy.
bistro_upstairsAnd if you’re the artistic type, meet kindred spirits in the lounge upstairs.

bistro building & all furniture, unless stated otherwise:
22769 ~ [bauwerk] (Food Fair)

inside set:

tea time set (table): Tres Blah
hot chocolate: LISP
wine: Elate!
tea set (counter): Dysfunctional Designs (Food Fair)
artworks & vases: Action, [CIRCA], A.D.D. Andel & JoHaDeZ

inside outfits:

Chanda (front, left): 
hair: elikatira
dress: 22769 (The Gallery Gift Shop)

Leon (front, right):
suit: FATEwear
walking cane: [hate this]

sad girl (background):
hair: Dura (group gift, free)
skin: Curio
shape: By Snow (free)
pearls: lassitude & ennui (Free*Style, free)
dress: World's End Garden (The Gallery Gift Shop, free hunt gift)

outside set:

plants: Dutchie
laptop: Meshworx
handbag: 22769 (The Gallery Gift Shop, free hunt gift)
milk / chocolate: {Haute House} (Food Fair)
shades: Kumaki
sushi: Breno
hat: Deco
coffee: 22769 (Food Fair)
bikes: {what next}

outside outfits:

business woman (front, left):
skin: Glam Affair
shape: custom
hair: elikatira
glasses: Kumaki
piercings: the HV
outfit: coldLogic
bracelet: erratic

Moran (front, right):
hair: Truth
necklace: Just You
tattoo: -Valley Park- (The Mens Dept)
shorts: Redgrave
boots: TonkTastic

HT (middle, right):
hair: Dura
skin: Tableau Vivant
necklace: G & D
tanktop: BeUp
shorts: 22769
leg cast / ankle brace / crutches: [ht+]
shoes: Adjunct

gossip girl 1 (background, left):
hair: [Due] (Hair Fair, free)
skin: Curio
shape: By Snow (free)
dress: Coco Designs (group gift, free)
shoes: Gabriel (group gift, free)

gossip girl 2 (background, right):
hair: Magika
skin / pants: The Plastik
tank: Auxiliary (Hair Fair, free)
shoes: Coco Designs

upstairs set:

artwork (left): Gabrielle Swindlehurst (The Gallery Gift Shop, free)
crying peacock statue: RAG Randt (Mad Pea's Room 326, hunt gift)
bookshelf: Second Spaces
books: Dutchie
ceiling fan: Trompe Loeil
mask: DownDownDown (The Gallery Gift Shop, free hunt gift)
artwork (middle): Arduenn Schwartzmann (Mad Pea's Room 326, hunt gift)
tree sculpture: MudHoney (Home Show)
violin: Grollwerk
chocolate cake: Culprit (Food Fair)
deco pillows: [hate this]
armchair: Kuro
easel, stool & artistic clutter: ~Bazar~ (Home Show)

At Home – In the Woods

This issue of “At Home” is quite a bit late, but features our favourite fugitive!

at home - in the woods 1After a close call with the police, Moran left the city to seek shelter in a cabin deep in the woods. While it might not be the safest place on earth, he might get some rest in there… unless the owners show up.

at home - in the woods 2Finding the key in the bird house didn’t prove much of a problem for Moran and he carefully enters. The small lodge is stuffed with furniture from all over last century and in the kitchen, the fugitive finds enough canned food to keep him sustained for a while.
There’s dust all over the place and the air is a bit stale, but the only inhabitant seems to be a half-wild cat.

at home - in the woods 3After sharing a can of baked beans, Moran and the cat decide to ignore each other for now. Finally, he finds a comfy spot where he can settle down and continue his search for his identity.

at home - in the woods 4Moran can’t help and jumps at every noise outside, checking for cars or other dangers.

Today’s look:

cap: Deco
hairbase: eep (free)
shades: Kumaki
cigarette: Action
beard: Keane
tattoo: Boss Store
tape: SiniStyle
hand cuffs: KM
arm cast: [ht+]
jeans: Kauna
shoes: Redgrave
pose: my own

bear: SL10B Bear Avatar
bear pose: momomuller

Today’s set (outside):

skybox: Turnip's Homes
forest: Studio Skye
mountains: Rustica
grass: Garden of Dreams
rocks: Forest Floor
path & birch trees: LAQ decor
cabin: Trompe Loeil
birdhouse: vespertine
water pump: POST
gardening tools & decor: Pilot
clothes drier & trash bins: 22769 ~ [bauwerk]

Today’s set (inside):

stove, cupboard & coffee table: POST
kitchen chair & table: Second Spaces
cat condo: The Domineaux Effect
cat: Shop Seu
couch: Cheeky Pea
rug & arm chair: vespertine
entertainment centre: Alouette
fur rug: Wayward Muse
pictures: Bazar
coffee cup: Dutchie

day bed: Digs
ladder book shelf: floorplan
ash tray: lame
fur rug: Wayward Muse
stool: Second Spaces
desk & deco: LISP
plant: Dutchie
dresser: Pilot
vases: [Circa]
TV & tapes: vespertine

guitar & case: Standby Inc. (The Arcade)

At Home – Chilling in Miami

at home - chilling in miami

Today’s set:

skybox: Barnesworth Anubis (Collabor88)
couch: 22769 ~ [bauwerk]
table: Zigana
backgammon: Second Spaces (The Arcade)
crisps: Cheeky Pea
bar, bottles & glasses: MudHoney (The Mens Dept)
artwork, vases & lamp: [Circa]
cheese plate: Elate! (The Arcade)
macarons: Action (TDR Fusion)
rug & books: Bazar
newspaper: Dutchie
POBs: PILOT (Collabor88)
slippers: Bastard (The Mens Dept)

Chanda – Unicorn

chanda - unicorn

Playing around with more Arcade and Gacha stuffs.

Today’s look:

skin: Glam Affair (The Arcade)
eyes & veins: Clemmm
hair: Wasabi Pills (The Arcade)
unicorn set: +Half-Deer+ (The Arcade)
skybox: vespertine (old gacha item)
pose: Adorkable

Moran – Frickin’ Laser Shark

moran - frickin laser shark

Moran will go to any length to uncover his own identity. Some of his attempts may be doomed to failure, but at least he looks like he’s having fun.

hair: Sadistic Hacker (free)
beanie/hair tattoo: 22769
beard: KEANE
shades: Kumaki
cigarette: Action
tattoo: Boss Tattoo (The Mens Dept)
shirt: DROP (The Mens Dept)
bag: Deco (old The Arcade item)
wrist bands: [hate this]
trunks: FATEwear
fins: Balaclava
shark: Rustica (The Mens Dept)

Ion – Growing Pains

ion - growing painsGrowing up isn’t easy and Ion is at a difficult age. Sometimes, he feels like an adult. On the other hand, he is not yet ready to let go of the treasures of his childhood. Luckily, he has a cosy spot to keep all things that have been and still are dear to him. Little trinkets he collected all over the world, while travelling with his parents.
Being an avid gamer, Ion also collects retro video games, and unlike many adult hoarders, he still enjoys playing them.

Today’s look:

shirt: Blank Line (free)
elbow warmers: [hate this]
pants: 22769 (The Mens Dept)
shoes & spikes: fashionably dead (The Arcade)
socks: fashionably dead (free)
studded bracelet: Baiastice (The Arcade)
friendship bracelets: BOOM (The Arcade)

Today’s set:

house: Trompe Loeil
TV & console: HopScotch (The Arcade)
other console: Cheeky Pea
coke: 22769 (The Mens Dept)
fur rug: aisling (free)
footstool: 22769 (Silkroad Hunt)
day bed, pallet table, shelf, dominoes: Scarlet Creative (The Arcade)
cats: Shop Seu
cat pillow: NX-Nardcotix (old The Arcade item)
4 across game: Second Spaces (The Arcade)
typewriter: floorplan (The Arcade)
photo albums: Commoner (The Arcade)
sandwiches: Elate (The Arcade)
orchid: Aria (The Arcade)
London skyline: DIGS (The Arcade)
lemonade: vespertine
books & vase: 22769
torii & stonehenge: PILOT (The Arcade)
pygmy puff & piglets: Ohmai (piglets from The Arcade)
buddha head: Culprit
cat & unicorn emotes: Tableau Vivant (The Arcade)
other cat figurine: Schadenfreude (old The Arcade item)
plushies: Intrigue Co. (The Arcade)
radio: Tee*fy (old The Arcade item)
deer head: Commoner (old The Arcade item)
dress forms: Schadenfreude (The Arcade)