Leon – Today

Leon today

After digging out his old yearbook photo, Leon insisted I’d take a picture of him today. He probably just wanted to show I really was kidding about his hair.
There are about 20 years between yesterday’s and today’s photos, but I dare say, the years have treated him rather well.

today's look: 
cardigan: BlankLine

today's set:
armchair: 22769 ~ [bauwerk]

Leon – Yearbook Challenge

Leon's yearbook photo

After a lengthy discussion, Leon allowed me to post his yearbook photo from the year he graduated. He wouldn’t tell me exactly when it was taken, but I assume it must’ve been in the mid 90s. C’mon, Leon, it can’t be that bad. At least it’s in colour! Maybe he’s just shy about it, because he was still on crutches after his motorbike accident and the scar on his jaw was still fresh… Is it me, or was his hair a little fuller back then, too? No, just kidding!

Today's outfit:
shape: my own (not available)
skin: Fruk
hair: Dura (old group gift, no longer available)
shirt & cardigan: Epia
crutches: [ht+]

Kage – Kamikage

kage - kamikage

today's look:
helmet: Remarkable Oblivion (Sad November)
scars: Ghurab
beard: Sovi3t Apparel
pipe: [ht:apparel]
bandages: BareRose
jacket: Ronsem
pants / necklace: Deco
boots: [Deadwool]
flying platform: Soy.

Allow me to introduce… Kage

kage - portrait

Kage isn’t actually a real character, yet. But who knows… I sure like his looks!

today's look:

shape: my own
skin: Hermony
eyes: Amitomo
hair: Ink
shirt: Lapointe & Bastchild

Moran – Dark

Moran - Dark

This is an older portrait photo of Moran I had meant to blog a while ago.

today's look

beard: Bad@zz
scarf: [monso]
shirt/vest: Sey

Nathan – Leap of Faith

nathan - leap of faith

Today's look:
hair: BooN
eyes: FATEwear
skin: Keane
hat: Eudora3D
eyepiece: Contraption
wings: Barerose
chest armor: The Forge
gloves: Remarkable Oblivion
pants: Deadwool
feet: Slink

pose: Lyndz-Matic

Marten – Sherlock Huang

marten - sherlock huang

Today's look

skin: Hermony (The Mens Dept)
hand: Slink
cap & prosthetic hand: Contraption
pipe: Tesla
suit: Kauna (Fameshed)
shoes: Mr. Poet
Today's set

buildings: 22769 ~ [bauwerk]
brick walls & tree grates: Botanical
bench: LAQ Decor
lantern: Atelier Visconti
trees (street): Dysfunctional
trees (background): Studio Skye
sidewalk: aa build & design

pose: Adorkable

Ion – Prince of the Mists

ion - prince of the mists

Today's look
hair & face tattoo: LaNoire Soleil - Fantasy Faire
hairbase: Exile (tinted)
ears: theSkinnery
eyes: Clemmm

necklace: Refined Wild
outfit: Kahli Designs - We <3 Role-Play!
gloves: FATEwear
Today's set
location: Twilight's Edge
pose: (pda)

Leon – The Path

leon - the path 01 leon - the path 02 leon - the path 03 leon - the path 04Today’s looks

On Leon:
necklace: Lapointe & Bastchild
shirt: FATEwear
jeans: Ispachi
shoes: monso
cane: [ht+]
watch/bracelet: Mandala

On her:
hair: Exile
shape: custom
skin: The BodyCo
kimono: BareRose
shoes: :{MV}:

Today’s set

all pics:
house: Trompe Loeil

first pic:
torii: Botanical (Genre)
stone lanterns: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] (free, opening gift)
bamboo: Organica
grass: Garden of Dreams
fence: Dysfunctional Designs (Genre)

second pic:
statue: Dysfunctional Designs (Genre)
incense: Culprit
fire bowl: Art Dummy

third pic:
chairs: Kuro (The Challenge)
table: Mirage (Genre)
scroll & bonsai: Apple Fall
vase & tea set: Dysfunctional Designs
workbench: aisling
screen, table, pillows & candle: Sway's

fourth pic:
lamp, left cabinet: Culprit
sculpture: Shai (Genre)
massage table, accessoires & towels: Dutchie
right cabinet: Apple Fall
shoes: Tabloid (The Mens Dept)

Leon – Piano

leon - pianoNext to his work, Leon’s biggest passion is music. A picture of him in the operating theatre would probably not be very appealing to most people, so here’s one of him playing the piano.

Due to his massive physique, Leon could be easily mistaken for a brute, but in fact he is quite the opposite. When he plays classic masterpieces on the piano, his fingers stroke the keys ever so gently and he completely loses himself in the music.

Today’s look:

suit: Lapointe & Bastchild

Today’s set:

skybox & candle: [hate this]
curtains, lamp & vase: 22769 ~ [bauwerk](new location!)
piano & wine glass: LISP

P.S.: I am absolutely not a fan of cluttering a blog post with links to music videos, but in case you want to know – I was listening to Chopin’s Nocturnes while taking and editing this picture.